
Why water is important:

Simply put, water is the beverage of life. We all know water is essential to live. But most of us are not aware of the crucial role water plays in virtually every organ and function of our bodies. It’s found in every cell, tissue and organ and almost every life sustaining body process needs water to function. Water does more than sustain life. It can actually improve our health, our fitness, and even our appearance. Find out more about the importance of drinking water as you read through this section.

Drink before you get thirsty!

When you don’t consume enough fluids, your body may trigger a sensation of thirst. Although thirst signals the need for fluids, you actually need fluids long before you become thirsty. This is especially important for seniors, children, and for anyone during illness, hot weather or strenuous physical activity. Waiting until you feel thirsty to drink probably means that you’re already deficient by two or more cups of body fluids.

Did you know?

Water is your body's most important nutrient and makes up 70- 75% of your total body weight. Blood is 92% water, bones are 22% water, the brain is 75% water, and muscles are 75% water.

Water also:

  • helps you to maintain body temperature
  • metabolize body fat
  • aids in digestion
  • lubricates joints and acts as a shock absorber to cushion the body’s organs
  • transports nutrients
  • makes up the majority of every cell in our bodies
  • is the biggest part of our blood and lymph systems, carrying food and oxygen to the cells and carrying away waste
  • helps flush our kidneys to get rid of toxic substances
  • helps balance our electrolytes, which help control our blood pressure
  • helps moistens our eyes, mouth, and nasal passages
  • is part of your blood, sweat, tears, and saliva
  • can provide many of the trace minerals our bodies need

How much water is enough?

The average adult loses about 2 quarts (about 10 cups) of water daily through perspiration, urination, bowel movements and breathing. This water needs to be replaced because the body doesn’t store an extra supply. How much water the body needs depends on the amount of calories used as well as body weight, level of physical activity, diet, exposure to dry air, pregnancy and illness. If you are trying to lose weight or stop smoking you need to drink about twice as much, to flush the fat and toxins out of your system.

To keep your body well hydrated, drink 8 to 12 cups of water throughout the day. Milk, juice and other beverages do NOT count toward your daily water intake. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are not the good sources of fluid since caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, causing the body to lose water through increased urination.

Drinking enough water can...

Improve your overall health and well-being.

Because water is important in so many body functions, getting enough water is key in achieving optimal health.

  • Water helps maintain blood volume, which maintains your energy
  • Proper hydration improves your concentration and reaction time, especially during exercise
  • Water increases the number of calories you burn during regular daily activities
  • Water can help prevent the stomach distress concentrated medicines can cause
  • Water helps rid the body of excess sodium that can cause fluid retention

Help protect against a variety of ailments. Studies show there may be links between high water consumption and a reduced risk of:

  • colds
  • constipation
  • urinary tract infections
  • kidney stones
  • bladder cancer

May improve your appearance. Water reaches the skin last; if your body does not get enough water, your skin will feel the effects more than any other organ. Water can help hydrate the skin, leaving it:

  • smoother
  • softer
  • more supple
  • more wrinkle-free

May help you lose weight. People often mistake thirst for hunger pangs, so we tend to eat snacks, when in reality, our bodies just need something to drink. Drinking water can also help you feel full, lessening your desire to eat. Studies also show that drinking enough water may:

  • Give you more energy during exercise
  • Increase the calories you burn during exercise
  • Help your body reduce fat deposits

Make an appointment with us for free consultation. Email to happyfit.hp@gmail.com